After the epidemic, is the exhibition in the home industry an opportunity?

Editor:Zhejiang hansheng furniture co., ltd. │ Release Time:2020-06-18 

A new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic swept the country in early 2020, and the holiday of reunion became deserted and severe. After a period of "stasis", household furnishing companies across the country began to resume work slowly, and the city began to operate normally. While a small percentage of people are still affected by the epidemic, people with keen eyes have discovered new opportunities.

   From the beginning of the epidemic to the present, the path of most people's mood changes: it doesn't matter - ridicule - panic - confused - hope. With the large-scale resumption of production and production, China’s epidemic control has achieved major victory. The restrictions of various industries have been opened one after another. With the end of the epidemic, there are many home industry exhibitions that have been postponed. Do you want to participate in this year's exhibition has become a major consideration for many home furnishing people? Please see this article for you to elaborate and analyze whether home furnishing companies will participate in the exhibition this year.


  Crisis and opportunity

   In the face of this silent epidemic battle in which smoke cannot be seen, it must be a process of accelerating the elimination of members and accelerating the subdivision and upgrade of products. The stronger is stronger, the weak is weaker, and the one who survives must be the most able to adapt to changes in the environment. It has a full and sober understanding of industry changes and fully adjusts its own enterprises. In the months when the whole country has been shut down due to the epidemic situation, the market urgently needs more new products and bright products to lead. The new products brought by the exhibition are the market's stimulants. Only by seizing this opportunity can we wash in the industry. After the card quickly opened the market.


   Industry reshuffle and elimination

At the same time, some links in each industrial chain before and after the epidemic will definitely be eliminated. The test under the epidemic is whether the overall strength of each enterprise is strong enough, whether the enterprise is developing soundly, whether the marketing ability is strong enough, and the marketing team is It is not excellent, and whether the speed of strategy adjustment can exceed the opponent will determine the future development. According to reliable news, the domestic first-line exhibition brand exhibitors have expanded their exhibition area and increased publicity during the epidemic prevention and control period, in order to occupy the "stagnation" and "blank" market immediately after the epidemic has fully ended. In the face of the collapse of some small businesses, this reshuffle will be the time for large companies to increase market penetration and occupy the market.

  The exhibition is one of the most effective and direct marketing methods

   Create a good business opportunity for you

  Build and maintain company image

  Especially in regions or countries where customers and distributors are relatively concentrated, exhibitions can effectively enhance the company's image, improve product visibility and market competitiveness. It is also a kind of support and assistance to local distributors.

  Display brand, new products, new technology, enhance the reputation and influence in the industry

   Most exhibitions (especially large exhibitions) usually attract the attention of the media. Using media for exposure can be an advantage for exhibitors. Inviting important media reporters to visit the booth is an important task. Enterprises can use the media for corporate publicity, increase the exposure of the company and products, and at the same time show the company's latest products through the exhibition, share the latest technology, the most intuitive display of publicity, and establish industry brand and strength.

   Investigate market potential, understand industry development trends and laws, and establish development direction and strategy

   Can examine the local market demand and potential. After bringing all the peers in the world together through the exhibition, you can clearly feel the development space and market space of the enterprise and understand the market potential of your products. Understand peer information, competitors’ products and technologies, grasp the trends and laws of peer development, reasonably plan the company’s development direction and sales plan, and determine the company’s correct development strategy. In addition, some industry exhibitions also hold a large number of industry forums, Seminars, etc., can be used to further understand industry information quickly, form industry bridges and bonds, and promote industry development.

  Improved visit and negotiation efficiency through the exhibition, saving cost and time

   An enterprise may have many customers in a certain area or country, and it must be more scattered. Visiting alone is not only expensive, but also inefficient. Through the exhibition, all distributors or customers can be gathered together to negotiate one by one, which improves the efficiency of visits and negotiations. According to the survey, the average cost of using the exhibition to reach customers is only 40% lower than the cost of contacting customers by other means. Taking the cost of visiting all customers of the company as an example, the cost of meeting all customers for interviews at the exhibition is only Visit 10-30% of all customer related costs.

  At the same time, during the time of the exhibition, the potential customers that the exhibitors have reached are greater than the number of sales staff who can be reached in three months. Meeting potential customers face-to-face is a means to quickly establish customer relationships.

  Low workload, high quality, high signing rate

  After contacting qualified customers at the trade fair, the subsequent workload is less. According to the survey conducted by the exhibition survey company, after contacting a qualified customer at the exhibition, on average, it only takes 0.8 calls to the other party to complete the sale. In contrast, the typical business sales method usually requires 3.7 calls to complete. According to another study by the McGraw Hill Survey Fund, 54% of all orders placed by exhibitors from exhibitors due to visits to trade fairs do not require personal follow-up visits.

  Consolidate old customers, meet a large number of potential customers, and develop new customers

  Invite old customers through the exhibition. Intended customers will display the latest products at the exhibition site and consolidate the old customers. At the same time, let the intent customers understand the products more intuitively and quickly reach cooperation. According to the research of the exhibition survey company, based on the average number of visitors on the booth of an exhibitor, only 12% of the people received calls from the company's sales staff within 12 months before the exhibition; 88% were new potential customers, and the sales The meeting also brought high-level visitors to the exhibition. For the products and services of participating companies, 49% of visitors at the show are planning to purchase those products and services.

   absolute competitive advantage

  The exhibition provides opportunities for competitors to show themselves. Through well-trained booth staff, active pre-show and on-sale promotions, fascinating booth design and rigorous booth follow-up, the competitiveness of participating companies can become radiant. Moreover, visitors to the exhibition will also use this opportunity to compare exhibitors. And the exhibition site provides an opportunity to study the competitive situation, the role of this opportunity is inestimable. Here, exhibitors can learn a lot about the products, prices and marketing strategies provided by competitors through observation and listening.

  Compared with corporate publicity, the publicity of the exhibition is more extensive and comprehensive

   The major propaganda for the enterprise is single and limited, but the propaganda of the exhibition is more extensive, more professional and more comprehensive. The exhibition will carry out all-round publicity through major media, professional websites, mass websites, mass media, professional media magazines, telephone invitations, faxes, associations, governments, etc. to build the brand of the exhibition and increase the exposure of enterprises.

   More direct development into the international market

Many companies will gradually develop the international market when they start to grow bigger and stronger. However, they will face somehow to get started. Through the exhibition, they can understand the market, communicate directly with overseas visitors, and then understand the local market and development trends, and quickly enter the international market. . At the same time, through the exhibition, directly face-to-face talks with overseas buyers, reached cooperation, on-site transactions. Provides a great opportunity.